Why EaGuO?

Why EaGuO?

Because we should create Heaven on Earth and provide shelter for all generations to come | All my life I imagined and dreamt of a world which would be a great place for all to live in. As a toddler I saw living cubicles where people were hiding, not sharing and celebrating life. This statue is in front of the International Criminal court and represents all tears from attacks against humanity. If we do not act now humanity will suffer more than all wars put together.

We have done it before | On the 6th of june 1944 the allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandie to fight against the Nazi’s. They won and founded NATO. If any nation would be attacked it would be an attack on all. We are now under attack from global warming but we do not have an allied force to monitor, build and protect our earth. We do not defend our Earth to protect the rights of all future generations. The World Paece Statue is based in Normandie. An attack on the Earth and its future inhabitants should be an attack on the whole of humanity.

In my mind Heaven-On-Earth is not unattainable but just a state of mind | It takes the same amount of energy to dream about being a narcissistic billionaire as it is to build a sustainable business model in which all will profit. I will make sure all our grandchilderen will have a better life than we have now.